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Boosting task efficiency

In a fast-paced work environment, it’s crucial to complete tasks very efficiently. This prevents errors and saves time. DC Vision significantly increases task efficiency. The innovative application uses augmented reality (AR) and digital twin technology. It seamlessly integrates data center infrastructure management (DCIM) or other IT asset management backend solutions via API-based connectors. When combined with ticketing systems, DC Vision minimizes rework required and increases accuracy. Technical teams complete tasks accurately the first time, increasing task efficiency by 40%. This application highlights how the integration of DC Vision into DCIM and ticketing systems, together with AR and digital twin technologies, streamlines processes – ensuring that all the necessary information and tools are immediately available in a single interface. DC Vision brings all the information and processes together. The software allows technical teams to have a truly ‘digital native’ experience. Traditional tools such as pen, paper, printouts or post-its have had their day!  

Initial state 

  • A company operates a data center/colocation/edge/server rooms/IDFs/MDFs with a variety of IT hardware.  
  • Task efficiency urgently needs to be improved. There is too much rework due to missing or inaccurate information. 


  • Reduce rework and increase precision in the execution of tasks 
  • Immediately provide technicians with accurate information as a basis for carrying out tasks correctly from the very first email 
  • Simplify access to required documents and enable real-time feedback 

Solution with DC Vision

Integration with IT asset management and ticketing systems

  • DC Vision is integrated with the existing backend systems, ensuring that all task-related information is centralized and easily accessible. 
  • Through integration with the ticketing system, technicians receive an update of their tasks in real time so that they can prioritize and manage their tasks accordingly. 

Use of augmented reality (AR)

  • Technicians equipped with AR-enabled devices running DC Vision receive a projected view of the physical environment. 
  • The AR projection shows important information such as inventory details, task instructions and the location of the components, making it easier to perform the task correctly. 

Digital twin technology

  • DC Vision's digital twin technology creates a virtual replica of the data center, allowing technicians to familiarize themselves with the task environment even before they enter the site. 
  • Engineers can explore and interact with the digital twin to understand the task requirements better, so that they’re better prepared. 

Access to documentation

  • DC Vision provides immediate access to necessary user manuals and documentation, aiding engineers in understanding the task requirements and helping them to execute the task accurately. 

Real-time feedback

  • Upon task completion, DC Vision immediately provides feedback on the accuracy and completeness with which the task was completed. If necessary, corrections can be made immediately. 

Frictionless processes & digital native experience

  • By combining all sources of information and processes into one system, DC Vision enables technicians to have a smooth process. 
  • The digital native experience with DC Vision eliminates the need for pens, paper, printouts or post-its, modernizing work processes and improving task efficiency. 


  • Drastic reduction in rework, saving time and resources 
  • Enhanced precision and accuracy in task execution 
  • Increased confidence and productivity for technicians

In summary

With the application of DC Vision from DC Smarter, companies are able to successfully overcome the challenges in terms of task efficiency. By integrating existing DCIM and ticketing systems and incorporating AR and digital twins, DC Vision becomes a holistic and future-oriented solution. Technicians have access to essential information and user manuals, and they receive instant feedback, significantly reducing rework and ensuring tasks are done right the first time. The introduction of this seamless process and the digital native experience with DC Vision resulted in 40% greater task efficiency for companies. A clear step towards operational excellence!